Friday, July 6, 2012


Today was an exciting day. We visited a local cheese factory, rode the ski lifts at a ski resort, and took part in a local Turkish wedding.

Visiting the ski resort was one of my favorite activities of the trip so far. I really enjoyed riding the ski lift with my kankas. On the ride up we sang and listened to music on Safa's iPhone.

The Turkish wedding was also very exciting. When we arrived we took part in a traditional Turkish dance with the bride, the groom, and their family. It was interesting to see Turkish wedding traditions first hand. I also really enjoyed speaking to the children at the wedding. Many of them knew English and were excited to meet people from America.


  1. This day was awesome! Gonna miss the kankas

  2. I am sure that, that wedding was the most different wedding that they've ever seen :D
    and I felt that I am a pop star because the local people wanted to take photos with us :)
    it was an interesting day for all of us..

  3. I was feeling very good, because the songs were wonderful and also dances :)
